Thursday 5 February 2009



Good question...

In my sociology lecture last week our lecturer talked about why we, as a society, presume and assume certain things, wether it be a societal role or whatever. And to demonstrate his point, he gave us an example. If we were on a bus alone, and someone gets on at the next stop, you would expect them to go and sit anywhere on the bus APART FROM next to you. Now if they did sit next to you, we would be less than likely to react by asking "How are you today?" Rather, we would be more like, WHAT THE F*CK ARE THEY DOING?! FA-REEEEEEAK!! Now the rest of the journey you sit feeling incredibly awkward wondering why the weirdo came and sat beside you.

Seriously, it would just be WEIRD if someone did that to you. But why is it that we think like this? (I am using WE because a lot of people I spoke to after the lecture have agreed with what I'm saying...) Why can't we just accept it if someone wants to NOT sit on their own on the bus? If they have a chance to be sociable and interact with someone new, why can't we let them? Why is it that we just assume certain things about everyday life?!?!?!


But seriously, think about those little everyday things we do without even feeling the need to think about them, like for example just sitting on a busy train and not even saying "Hello" to the person next to you. Why have we all become so rude?

This doesn't make sense, I know...and I'm rambling, but tis a blog! Where else will I do it?!


1 comment:

  1. People on the bus stink, there is a good reason that we don't talk to them ;)

    On a more serious note, people's lives are too busy for idle chit chat unless in a social environment, e.g. a bar. What is the overall purpose of speaking to someone beside you on the bus that you don't know? Idle chit chat does not compare to your own thoughts.
