Saturday 10 January 2009

Photoshop Buzz!!

YAY! I have finally got a little photoshop buzz again! It comes and goes in fits and bursts with me. Which is really annoying because I do love it, but sometimes it's hard to get a bit of inspiration. My stuff isn't very good anyways but I was messing with some new techniques and came up with this... (I would post the actual picture but quality is better if I post a link!)
Hope you like it!! [=

Friday 9 January 2009

Basic Blending with Photoshop.

Ok, so I'm starting with a very basic need for Photoshop; Blending. This is really a very simplistic tutorial of how to just get the technique of blending multiple pictures together. Now, for this tutorial I've only used 2 pictures with similar backgrounds just as its the first tutorial, so I will add more complex tutorials as the weeks go on. I hope this is helpful! (It's my first tutorial as well so go easy on me yah?) =]
(Also, all pictures are shrunk to fit here...they look nicer bigger. :P)


1) Open up your two pictures you are wanting to work with. I'm using two of Kristen Stewart from , you may use whatever pics you want however. Resize to whatever works for you, mine are on a 640x480 canvas. Drag both your pics on to this new canvas and overlap your pictures. (I am using one picture slightly smaller than the other but you may use them the same size if you want.)

2) Choose your select tool and set the feather in the top bar to 20. Select down the overlaping line and delete. This should now blend your pictures fairly well. However, there are always some bits to neaten up around the edges. For this I use the eraser tool at 0-4% hardness as it's more precise. I've highlighted the areas where I focused on with the eraser tool.
3) Now your picture should be blended nicely, so just flatten your image so it's all one layer. Do this by pressing Ctrl+Shft+E . Thats it! Your first blend! Now I just finished off mine by adding some colourisation to it. Sooo all I'm going to do is create a new layer, and fill it with #1a1b49, set this layer to exclusion at 100%. Add another layer on top, fill with #eddc9f, and set to saturation at 62%.

4) I'm just going to add some text and a border, then thats me finished!

Tuesday 6 January 2009


Sometimes I like to be quiet, and just enjoy the feeling that I don't have to talk. Yet whenever this happens, whoever I'm with gets super parnoid that I'm depressed or something. Can't I just like to be quiet? I don't get what's wrong with that...
But tonight my mum got ultra freaked and wanted me to talk about my feelings. LOLZ
I don't talk that much about my feelings, and all my friends have picked up on this so don't bother stressing over it. My mum on the other hand wants to know everything about me, which is cool. She's showing an interest. But I don't always see the point in talking about your emotions or feelings. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't. For the most part with me, it doesn't, therefore I don't.
(Is this all just going in circles?) mum thought I was being particularly quiet tonight, which I guess I was, but not conciously. Her conclusion was that I'm worried about Uni, which I guess to some extent is true. quite a big extent.

I'm not enjoying it AT ALL. And I go back on Thursday. See, the thing is, I enjoy my course, it's very interesting and I am learning stuff. But I applied for the wrong reasons. At the end of school, the only real option our careers advisor gave us was "APPLY FOR UNI!". And if you didn't they sorta just stopped caring. All my friends are very smart, and have always passed exams easily. I on the other hand have only ever scraped some low passes out of them. So I sent one uni application out thinking that I wouldn't get in but its all ok because I had applied.
I did get in though.
And it sucks. I don't get on with a lot of people there, even if I do, I'm so depressed all the time that I can't face going out with them so then I'm just spending more and more time on my own. The most frustrating part is when I come home and see other friends back from uni, all of whom ADORE it and actually miss it. I feel like a noob when I'm like, "Well, actually no, I'm not missing it, I'm dreading even the thought of going back." But I can't do anything about it, thats why I don't talk about it. I can't drop mum would have a fit. She was so happy when I got accepted, PLUS I'd lose her money from the Halls I'm staying in etc.

AAAAAAAAAAAAACHH!! Why did people build Uni up so much for me? It's like a living nightmare and I don't want to go back there.

Monday 5 January 2009

Get to know me a little better...

It's almost 3am where I am at the moment, and I'm bored as sh* you know what that means? Means I'm gonna do one of those pointless surveys off of t'internet. know you've done at least one at some time or another. :P

1. What's your name?
Fynn (short for Thorfynn)
btw...its not my real name but thats what you'll know me as! [=
2. What is your favorite thing to wear?
I could possibly be the least fashion concious person around. You shall find me on a daily basis in jeans and a boring t-shirt...then zippy hoody thing most probably.
3. Last thing you ate?
Vienetta!! I hadn't had it in YEARS. Loved it.
4. One place you will NEVER eat at?
A sushi bar. Not into sushi.
5. I say Shotgun, you say:
"Awww...crap." As if I'm devestated I didn't get to call it first when really, I never actually gave two hoots before you even said it.
6. Last person you hugged?
I honestly don't remember. ]:
7. Does anyone you know wanna date you?
Nope. It is sad that I can say that with 100% certainty but thats
8. Would you date anyone you met online?
Yeaaaah....but only if I knew I was being totally me with them whilst online. I couldn't have this online version of me fall for someone else online coz then offline it's just not going to work.
9. Name something you like physically about yourself:
I have really blue eyes which people tend to comment on because they think they're unusually blue...I don't think that. I think they just happen to be very blue.
10. The last place you went out to dinner to?
I had a pub dinner with my mum like a week ago.
11. Who is your best friend?
I don't have one. It sounds cliched but I have a lot of very close friends but they all seem to be more best friends with one another than I am to any of them which is cool. I like not having to feel like I SHOULD be telling someone something, JUST because I have a best-friend. (Does anything I write make any sense?!)
12. What time of the day is it?
13. Who/What made you angry today?
I saw a KFC advert on TV and then my mum wouldn't shut up about it so then I really wanted some...but then when we went it was closed. More dissapointed than angry lol.
14. Baseball or Football?
Football! I don't watch it often but when I do....I get REALLY into it.
15. Ever gone skinny dipping?
No....never felt the urge tbh.
16. Favorite type of Food?
Probably a good ol'stir fry.
17. Favorite holiday:
Summer. I kind of feel rejuvenated at the end, like it's a new beginning or something. Which is odd because I NEVER feel like that at New Year lol.
18. Do you download music:
Yeah. Not so much recently though.
19. Do you care if your socks are dirty? Not if I'm doing nothing...when I'm just chilling out. But I have to admit, I do like having a fresh pair of socks to put on.
20. Opinion of Chinese symbol tattoos?
Very cool...ten years ago. Not so much now...kinda tacky and honestly, if I was the tattoo artist, I'd probably write anything random on the person just because 99% of the time I'd be able to get away with it. DONT GET IT DONE IF YOU DONT KNOW FOR SURE HOW IT SHOULD LOOK LIKE!!!
21. Would you date the person who posted this?
Well, I copied this from Charlieissocoollike's blog, and he has got a good sense of humor so yes...however I doubt he'd date me. :P
22. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally?
Yes they have.
23. Do you love anyone?
Of course I do, not in that super special way though. [:
24. Are colored contact lenses sexy?
I can honestly say I have never thought to myself "MAN...those fake eyes sure do look sexy."
25. Have you ever bungee jumped?
God no.
26. Have you ever gone white-water rafting?
No...probably never will either. I was crap at kayaking so doubt I'd be any good at that real dangerous stuff.
27. Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you?
LOL erm no but I do recall a very creepy summer where this guy was living with my mum's friend, and we were staying with this friend. But the dude was the biggest perv I've ever met and he scared the living jesus out of me by the looks he sometimes gave. (He was later thrown out due to his general creepy-perviness.)
28. How many pets do you have?
Two dogs.
29. Have you met a real redneck?
No. Its a dream of mine though.
30. How is the weather right now?
When I was in the car about 4 hours ago it was like -7 Im assuming, frosty.
31. What are you listening to right now?
Nothing tbh. Its 3.15am - Don't want to wake my mum.
32. What is your current favorite song?
It's truly impossible to pick ONE favourite song.
33. What was the last movie you watched?
Breach with Ryan Phillippe. Twas gooooooooooooood.
34. Do you wear contacts?
No I dont.
35. Where was the last place you went besides your house?
My mums car.
36. What are you afraid of?
Moths and spiders.
37. How many piercings have you had?
Just my earlobes.
38. What piercings do you want?
As of this moment....none.
39. What's one thing you've learned this year?
You shouldn't feel pressured into anything. Be sure of what you want at one moment and go with it.
40. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
I dont go there very often but if I do it's usually either a coffee or hot chocolate. Nothing fancy.
41. What Magazines are you reading?
None at the moment.
42. Have you ever fired a gun:
No, an air rifle though.
43. Are you missing someone?
Not really...
44. Favorite TV show?
Right now its House. [:
45. Do you have an obession with WoW?
Absolutley not. I hate it lol
46. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celeb?
No....not that I recall anyway.
47. What celeb do you look like?
On that heritage site thing it said I looked like that nurse in the Fantastic Four film, which would be extremley flattering considering she's gorgeous but she truly couldn't look less like me if she tried. That site's a joke...nobody looks like who gets put in!
48. Who would you like to see right now?
An old teacher whos class I failed. I felt awful...I tried really hard aswell but I was so embarrased about failing I never went back to see him, even though I saw all my other teachers after my results lol.
49. Favorite movie of all time?
Gosh its like the favourite song question again! American History X I think is incredible and I watched it recently again so I'll say that. (So many others though, INCLUDING...Edward Scissorhands!!!)
50. Do you find yourself loved?
Not always no. (EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEMO! lol)
51. Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't suppose to?
52. Favorite smell?
It'l sound weird, but petrol. I could stand there for days just sniffing that heaven! (But its bad for you so please don't.)
53. Butter, plain, or salted popcorn?
54. What's something that really bugs you?
When people feel they have to be rude to be cool. It's neither. It's just f*cking stupid.
55. Do you like Michael Jackson?
I think he is a very talented man yes.
56. Taco Bell or Burger King?
Burger King is under-rated I feel and I've never been to Taco Bell so I say BURGER KING!
57. What's your favorite perfume?
58. Favorite baseball team?
I dont watch baseball....ever.
59. Ever call a 1-900 phone number?
60. What's the longest time you've gone without sleep?
About 45 hours.
61. Last time you went bowling?
It was for charity a few months back and I got the prize for the worst player LOL.
62. Where is the weirdest place you have slept?
Under my computer desk which is like 1.5ft long and I thought if I padded it out with my duvet and pillows it'd be comfy....It wasn't.
63. Who was your last phone call?
My friends little brother who likes to prank me. Though he is probably the worst prank caller in the world. He doesnt with-hold his number and he tends to say his name as a little intro after about 5 seconds.
64. Last time you were at work?
Currently I do not have a job, I am a student. I finished working in early september, however I now have very little money soooooo should probably go get a new one. ]:
65. What's the closest orange object to you?
A tigger pillow.


Hope it lets ya get to know me a little better. [:

Tutorials anyone?

So one of my main interests is graphic design/art and I make a lot of little pointless things on Photoshop CS3 (I'm not updating it until I absolutley need too...I have no money and love CS3 lol), like forum sigs, wallpapers, display pics, banners etc. I do have a deviantArt page and I have had a fair amount of views (for ME anyways), so Im thinking I may post some simple tutorials on here. Why do I say simple? Well because they will be simple. I'm completley self-taught with Photoshop. I was very bored during a 2 week school holiday in Oct.2007 and made myself learn to make things through it. So I'm not the most professional but I am proud of some of the things I've made considering the lack of teaching.

Anyways, not completely decided on this yet. I have a lot of stuff going on with Uni at the moment and well, for the last few months so photoshop has been kinda on the back burner. I'm gonna try and use any spare time I have with it though sooooo keep your eyes peeled for some graphics! [:

Sunday 4 January 2009

House M.D

Whats a good way to avoid studying for University exams?


Not only is it an effective distraction, but it's also very factual. Factual in a medical mystery way, that I don't quite fully understand a lot of but I don't care. Why don't I care? Well my friends, that is because Hugh Laurie has become pretty much one of the hottest guys on T.V (behind Milo Ventimiligia, Jesse Spencer, David Tennant, aaaaand any other guy above 30 really.) And believe me, I know that sounds weird...mainly because he's like 30years my senior, but the dude HAS got something! Designer stubble maybe...and the sexy limp. :P
I'll admit it was hard to get into House at the beginning, purely because I couldn't take Laurie seriously. (URM...FRY AND LAURIE ANYONE?!) But after my brother kept watching it infront of me, I got hooked. It's beyond frustrating when a sibling does something right. ]:

So yeah, end of series 4 and I cannot even begin to tell you how desperate I am to get series 5 in my home!!! But seeing as it's still airing in America just now, I guess it's gonna be like 6 months till the UK get it.

Maybe that's a good thing...I might be able to finally get some work done for Uni...

...Nah, I'll go watch Heroes instead! [:

Saturday 3 January 2009

...Ye Ol'Blogg?!

Well here I am, back at the ol'blog.
I know what you're thinking, how can I be back at the blog when this is only the first blog post? Hmm...well it's because I suck.
I suck at sticking things out. I can't possibly tell you how many times I have sat down with a journal, (or infront of numerous blogsites), and said to myself, "Right, every day you WILL write in here." It usually lasts the maximum of a week.
However, I do tend to half narrate my life in my head...think JD from Scrubs...minus all the humor. So thats why I'm back here, writing out my thoughts for all of t'internet to see, because if I don't, I'm actually scared I'll go crazy. I mean PROPER wacko.

I dont want this to be a diary though, DO NOT THINK THAT! I'm not gonna come here every day and be like, "So, today I woke up about 9am...didnt do much really today..." BORING!!! Thats not what this is. This is a purely a selfish thing writing on here; I need an outlet for my thoughts, opinions and general bitchiness towards anything and anyone. Thats something you'll learn about me soon...I don't like a lot of things and a lot of people for no reason whatsoever apart from the fact that I'm just a horrible person. For example happy people piss me off. And I dont mean that in a pessimistic, depressing way either. What I mean is, people that are always in your face happy, asking if you're happy and if you only say ok, they get all patronising and act like they're suddenly a shrink! That sorta shit gets on my nerves. If you're happy, then WOO!! GO YOU!! Just be silent whilst you are.