Saturday 3 January 2009

...Ye Ol'Blogg?!

Well here I am, back at the ol'blog.
I know what you're thinking, how can I be back at the blog when this is only the first blog post? Hmm...well it's because I suck.
I suck at sticking things out. I can't possibly tell you how many times I have sat down with a journal, (or infront of numerous blogsites), and said to myself, "Right, every day you WILL write in here." It usually lasts the maximum of a week.
However, I do tend to half narrate my life in my head...think JD from Scrubs...minus all the humor. So thats why I'm back here, writing out my thoughts for all of t'internet to see, because if I don't, I'm actually scared I'll go crazy. I mean PROPER wacko.

I dont want this to be a diary though, DO NOT THINK THAT! I'm not gonna come here every day and be like, "So, today I woke up about 9am...didnt do much really today..." BORING!!! Thats not what this is. This is a purely a selfish thing writing on here; I need an outlet for my thoughts, opinions and general bitchiness towards anything and anyone. Thats something you'll learn about me soon...I don't like a lot of things and a lot of people for no reason whatsoever apart from the fact that I'm just a horrible person. For example happy people piss me off. And I dont mean that in a pessimistic, depressing way either. What I mean is, people that are always in your face happy, asking if you're happy and if you only say ok, they get all patronising and act like they're suddenly a shrink! That sorta shit gets on my nerves. If you're happy, then WOO!! GO YOU!! Just be silent whilst you are.

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